Becoming available beginning Fall 2022: in-person lessons again!
KMD Music Studio is tentatively planning in-person lessons starting in the Fall. Choose piano, clarinet, alto saxophone, voice, recorder or suggest another to learn together! Lesson Schedule Tuesdays and Fridays beginning after Labor Day, and ending 3rd week of May.
What are virtual lessons like?
Ms. Kreenah uses the Zoom platform to come into your home virtually! What this requires of you: You need internet, a computer, tablet, or phone to log in to the lesson. You also need Zoom loaded on your device. A quiet space which can hold your instrument is essential.
Why this may work for you: There are benefits to my virtual lessons. First, there is no health risk of illness. Second, I record the lessons so students can view all or parts of their lessons over and over. Third, families may use the lesson video for more than one child at no extra cost. Fourth, I set up a private webpage, a "Lesson Hub", for each and every student with lesson notes, supplemental videos, practice tips, and more! Fifth, no commuting, means saving time and gas! Sixth, older students, and visual learners are able to focus during a Zoom lesson. Finally, lessons can be paid for directly from the Lesson Hub.
Virtual works best with piano lessons.
Why this may NOT work for you: For beginners this option may not provide the benefit that having guidance right next to you brings. For ages 6-10, who need more "hands on", flexibility, & change of pace. This age group may have trouble focusing during a virtual lesson. For students who are kinesthetic learners who learn through motion, sitting still in front of a computer screen may be difficult. Consecutive lessons cannot happen virtually, as processing time for video recordings and lesson hub creation are necessary for Ms. Kreenah.
Fall 2022: Virtual Lessons: 10 minutes Extra time allotted for technical issues that may arise. $35 for 40 minutes (beginner or age 6-13) $50 for 70 minutes (intermediate/advanced or over age 14)
What are in-person lessons like?
You travel to Ms. Kreenah's NE Grand Rapids studio. OR, she comes to your home. What this requires of you: At Ms. Kreenah's: you need to bring your instrument, music, and lesson notebook. You are expected to be prompt and attentive during the lesson. At your home: Ms. Kreenah will come to you. You provide a home with minimal interruption. For piano, you will need to provide a tuned, functional piano! You will pay an extra travel fee for this service.
Why this may work for you: Benefits to in-person lessons are many. First, details regarding instrument, embouchure, fingerings, playing position and tone are efficiently dealt with immediately. Second, adjustments to teaching methods based on the details observed by Ms. Kreenah are more easily accomplished. Third, modeling of proper technique is more easily communicated to the student. Fourth, immediate feedback is more effective in person. Fifth, playing accompaniments, duets, and other real-time musical experiences are available. Siblings may easily take turns, having lessons right in a row!
In person works best with Vocal and instrumental lessons .
Why this may NOT work for you: You live outside the Grand Rapids area, so it is too far to travel. You may not have available transportation to drive to Ms. Kreenah's studio. There may be other children which need childcare, so you are not able to travel. In the same vein, in a busy household with pets or many children, your home may not be the best learning environment, either.
Fall 2022: in person lessons $30 for half hour (6-13 year old, or beginner) $45 for hour (intermediate/advanced or over age 14) Travel fee: additional travel fee if in your home.
Q & A: Real questions for Kreenah!
Q: How often are music lessons?
A: Typically, we have one lesson a week. You choose a half hour or full hour, depending on the age and proficiency of the student. In the summer, my schedule is more relaxed. Some students choose dates to create only 6 or 8 lessons in June, July and August, in order to keep up their skills. Others like to meet more often to focus on a particular skill.
Q: What if I want to have the benefits of in person, but want to save my time and money (gas!) and also do virtual lessons? Can I do, say, one lesson a month in person and the rest virtual? Then I'll continue to take advantage of the lesson hub option which I've enjoyed with the Zoom lessons the past two years.
A: Sure! This is the best of both worlds! Our in-person time can be used for specific issues or questions, playing duets together, or working with accompaniments, all of which can't be done virtually due to the time lag inherent in the technology.
Q: We live outside of your usual travel distance, over 20 miles away. If we pay extra travel fees, will you consider traveling to us for lessons?
A: It depends on my schedule for the season. I did do this summer of 2021 for a family and it worked out great. They paid an hourly fee for my drive each way. Depending on your instrument, we could also maybe meet halfway? This is the perfect situation for virtual lessons, or a hybrid. Call me!
Q: What about COVID restrictions? Will I have to wear a mask?
A: I think we all have learned a bit about communicable disease of late. Virtual lessons are nice to fall back on, if possible, if someone in the household has cold or flu symptoms. I can also record a lesson for you to view when you feel better! Common sense applies: if everyone is vaccinated and feeling fine, in person lessons may be unmasked.
Q: I have several children who all want to learn instruments! It's great, but expensive when it's all added up! Do you have some type of break or discount for family groups?
A: Yes! I love family groups, and try to incorporate duets, trios, and other ensemble experiences. The first student is full price, then -$5 for 2nd student, -$10 for 3rd student, and only $10 each for the 4th student on. For example: 2 half hour lessons = $25 for first student, and $20 for second (-$5). (total -$45 instead of $50!) 4 hour lessons = $45 for first student, $40 for the second, $35 for the third student, and just $10 for the 4th student. (total $130 instead of $180!) I've also been known to barter for items like fresh duck or chicken eggs or services like cleaning or moving boxes. Let's discuss our options.
Q: How often do I have lessons? I'd like to have two lessons a week in order to focus and progress.
A: It depends on my schedule for the season. This is more possible during summer hours, since I'm not teaching at school then. My performance schedule is greater, though, and I do like to take a couple week-long camping trips. Let's talk and see what we can figure out together!
Q: I don't want weekly lessons all semester. I just want to learn this song to sing to audition for the Civic Theater group production. Do you do just 4 weeks, or 6 weeks?
A: Absolutely! I love helping students with solo and ensemble, audition preparation, musical theater coaching or special music at church! I can also help you find a piece that fits your range or skill set. Let's talk!